12 май 2019
Bulgarian Festival in Soho
Bulgarian Londoners present a festival of Bulgarian culture, celebrated with a series of events on 19 May 2019 aimed at all Londoners ...
31 май 2018
Invitation to an evening with the Bulgarian composer Zory Burner and her vocal ensemble Peregrina EnChantica
An evening of captivating and widely diverse world music and inspiring talks, in support of wildlife conservation, with a special focus on birds ...
31 май 2018
Talk with Christopher Buxton
In January, earlier this year we hosted a discussion with the Nigerian Londoner Alex Oma Paios, who shared his memories from studying in Sofia during the 1980s ...
31 май 2018
Bulgrian party at Golden Square in Soho
For the first time, members of the London Bulgarian Association are organising an event on Saturday, 26 May 2018 to celebrate a day of Bulgarian culture together with other Londoners ...